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Neuroscience & Neurotechnology in Freiburg


"Neuroscience is by far the most exciting
branch of science because the brain is
the most fascinating object in the
universe. Every human brain is different
– the brain makes each human unique
and defines who he or she is."

Stanley Ben Prusiner
Neurologist, Biochemist and Nobel laureate


The field of neuroscience strives to understand how the brain works, how it develops and ages, and what causes diseases. Multiple disciplines contribute to this endeavour, covering fundamental research as well as applications in biomedicine and neurotechnology. The interdisciplinary and inter-facultative collaboration of four faculties, in over 15 institutes, and with more than forty research groups makes Freiburg one of the key regions for neuroscience research in the Upper Rhine region. 

Click on the links below to be referred to PIs and their research groups. The list is currently not exhaustive and only states principal investigators (PIs) and group leaders. If you wish to be included in this listing please use the contact form in the appropriate section.