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Sen Cheng: Modeling episodic memory

Research Department of Neuroscience | Ruhruniversität Bochum [BERNSTEIN SEMINAR]
When Mar 15, 2022
from 05:15 PM to 06:00 PM
Where Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID and password will be sent with the e-mail invitation. You can also contact Fiona Siegfried for meeting ID and password.
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How come we can remember what happened in a two-hour long movie, but not even three items on a shopping list? To answer this and other questions about episodic memory, we need to understand its function, the underlying cognitive processes, and the neural implementation.

 My goal is to combine neuroscientific, psychological, computational, and philosophical aspects at different levels of description. At an abstract level, we investigated the function of episodic memory using reinforcement learning. To explain the cognitive properties of episodic memory, we developed the scenario construction framework. Finally, we developed the CRISP theory, which describes memory storage at the neuronal level in the hippocampus. The next step is to integrate these approaches into a coherent explanatory framework.

About the speaker and his research

 Hosted by Christian Leibold


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